Wow so the month of April is practically over and I am playing catch up. I've been a little overwhelmed with work lately. This past week we had a "special" visitor drop in to the store so we were super busy trying to get everything just right. Which meant that I was scheduled for OVERtime. It was nice to rake in some extra cash, but by the end of the week I was exhausted and the kids were complaining that I was working too much. So it's nice to have everything back to it's mellow flow. I guess I haven't blogged about Easter cause I've been waiting for Neo to send me the pics from her camera and she still hasn't (booo! you!) Anyway, I've decided to recap really quick about Easter of 2009 with only a few pictures. Here goes...
Ti needed to head out to Salt Lake and we are fortunate enough to have 2 family members (who shall remain nameless for their own sanity) that work for the airlines. In the end we agreed that Mote and Nic were going to fly out with him while me and Siope stayed home =( Before I could feel too sorry for myself we ran into problems with his buddy pass- turns out that weekend was blocked off due to embargo dates. Long story short: I called off work and the whole family drove out to Salt Lake together.
We got in Thursday morning and managed to fill the entire weekend with fun family activities. Friday me, my sisters, and Tea all took our kids to an egg hunt while Ti and his brother's ran a booth at the S.A.L.T. concert. The Easter party was hosted by Mel and Tina Moleni who did fabulous things for all the kids. It was freeeeeezing but EVERYONE had such a good time!! When I meet up with the Moleni's I completely lose track of time. It's always so good just to chat with them and you better believe we rolled out the laughs!
Friday morning me and Neo forced ourselves out of bed early to take the kids to another egg hunt at the coolest high school on earth... yup you guessed it- Kearns High baby!! The student body held an egg hunt on the football field which was a lot more popular than I had thought it would be. I swear every single child in Kearns was there- it was PACKED!
Later that day I got my haircut by Angel and me and Ti went to the Jazz game afterwards. Neo won tickets from her work and she was SUPER sweet enough to give them to me and Ti Tonga. It was Ti's first time to an actual game and even though they lost it was so fun!... k it was his first time on the TRAX too, I swear this guy was deprived as a child! ha!
Anyway Sunday we went over to my parents during the day and had Easter dinner with the Fangupo's later that night. We had another egg hunt with Ti's family, so a total of 3! And we invited Neo and Kauasi to join us cause we all know no one BBQ's like the Fangupo's!!!
We said our goodbye's and left on Monday with way too much candy and a trunk load of groceries from Monica and Tea- thanks yall! My parents and siblings of course didn't let us leave empty handed either. I am so thankful for everyone's generosity. I love you all and am grateful that we were able to spend Easter with those who mean the most to us.
Ofa atu,