Monday: Game Day. Students may bring in their favorite board game to play with their classmates. (Ms Ruffridge will bring Twister)[Mote took Bingo. He said his favorite game he played on Game Day was Twister.]
Tuesday: Art Day!! Students will need to bring a white t-shirt from home that can be decorated. We will all sign the back and make our own art on the front.

Wednesday: Wacky Clothes Day! Come to school looking your wackiest!! We will have a disco dance party in class.
[Mote is so picky! Everything that I tried to put together wasn't "wacky" enough
for him. We finally came up with this: aloha shirt, soccer tee, Superman cape, Jack
Sparrow skeleton boots, and head band (which is a "ninja headband according to
Mote). Bubba taught Mote a couple disco dance moves so that he'd be prepared
for his dance party :) And Siope of course wanted some of the picture action.]
Thursday: Graduation Day! Come to school looking your best, caps will be put on in the classroom. Parents please find your way to the lunchroom. [Mote was so excited to graduate. I think a lot of it had to do with him seeing Fatu
graduate this past June. The graduation was put together so well and the kids did
awesome. It deserves a post on it's own with more pictures which is on the way.]

Friday: PJ party and movie day! All students are to arrive at school at 9:05 am for a movie and popcorn party. Wear your favorite PJ's and bring your pillow and your favorite stuffed animal. All students should be picked up at 11:30 am.
[This is the activity that Mote was looking forward to most this week. I got him
new jammies that he was so excited to wear. We got a little taste of his new
morning start time. So with his pillow and a teddy bear in hand we dropped him off
at 9:00 am. He got to lounge around with his classmates and eat popcorn while
watching "Meet the Robinsons"]