Monday, December 21, 2009

Sunset Park- The Gift Of Lights

As soon as the kids went on Winter Break we had Samiu and Toakesa sleep over so we decided to drive out to Sunset Park to check out their Christmas lights. I heard that there was a fee per car and here I am thinking it would be like $5 per car to get in.... nope! Fifteen freak'n dollars per car! There was no turning back because the kids were already hyped up so we forked over the cash and headed in with HIGH expectations. Las Vegas Christmas lights aint got nothin on Salt Lake Christmas lights that you can see for FREE!!! sheesh! Anyways... the kid's had fun - I guess. And the money went to a good cause- or atleast I hope it did. Each of the sponsers had their own displays up to match their company's theme. I liked the Shark Reef the best.

Siope could see a glimpse of this dragon from the street and begged me from the beginning to take a picture of it.

1 comment:


Wow $15 bucks huh so much for a free neighborhood of lights still cute lights though