I said last year that I was so disappointed with the quality and prices of Halloween costumes. I took an oath to learn how to sew so I could make their costumes for the following year. And so that's what I did... kinda... ok not really. I didn't learn how to sew, but I still managed to somehow create 3 costumes that the kids approved of. We went with Super Mario Bros with a modern flair ;)
Challenge #1: convincing one of the boys to be the bad guy. Seniority won out and the little brother got stuck with the villain role.
2nd oldest pretty much got 2nd choice... the side kick
and the oldest of the bunch of course got dibs on the lead role. Doesn't it always seem to work out that way?
So Mario Bros. was cool and all, but how to take the "coolness" level up one more notch? Aaaah yes... add in some speed!
Voila! Mario Kart Bros!
Happy Halloween!
Those are awesome!!! I've seen a couple of Mario Bros, but these are the coolest by FAR!! Great job Kiki!
Awesome.....love it! I totally agree that costumes aren't what they used to be...now days the quality is cheap but the price is still super high....I always make my boys costumes too...yours turned out way cute...good job!
waaay cute Kiki! U did a great job, I love that you kicked it up a notch...awesome!! :)
Awesome job on the costumes Kiki!!!
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