Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day '09

Sunday was officially my 6th time/year being honored as a Mother. As I think back to the past Mother's Days I've had, I realize that each one has been so different! I'm not sure if they get better each year, but in my opinion 2009 takes the cake.
Although I appreciate the attention and acknowlegment from our men each year, I feel like Mother's Day is not all about receiving gifts and getting pampered- for me it's a time to give thanks for my role as a woman. On Mother's Day I'm reminded of how grateful I am to be blessed with beautiful healthy children. Of how indebted I am to my Heavenly Father for trusting me to raise such choice spirits. And how lucky I am to be blessed with someone who holds the priesthood, someone to help me face life's challenges. So before I go on about my Mother's Day Happening's, I just want Ti Tonga and my boys to know how much I love them and how honored I am to be a wife/mother to them!

MD recap:
So I guess my Mother's Day actually started on Saturday. On our way to Mote's soccer game, my Dad called to ask for my bank account number. My parents wanted to fly out to see the kids, but the flights were full, so my Dad wanted to deposit money in my account so that we could take the kids out to eat in behalf of Grandma and Grandpa. Turns out he not only put in "Happy Meal money", but he also included some extra so that I could buy something for myself for Mother's Day. At first I wasn't going to spend any of it, but I figured I could use something new to wear to church the next day =)
Sunday morning I woke up and found that EVERYONE's church clothes were laid out and ironed- if this was the only act of service for the entire day I would've been happy! Mote was the first one to wish me a Happy Mother's Day and presented me with a card and magnet he made in school. This is the first time I've ever gotten something hand made from my kids and I tell you, these things are better than gold! It made my heart melt! I made my way downstairs to meet the rest of my boys and Ti Tonga. The table was set with fresh flowers and I was able to sit down and enjoy a delicious breakfast. After, we all got dressed and almost made it to sacrament on time- almost ;) Later that night Mote and Toa joined us for dinner. The boys each gave me cards that Toa had helped them make earlier on in the week. We chatted and enjoyed salad, pork roast, mashed potatoes & gravy, and strawberry shortcake for dessert. I don't think I had to lift a finger.

Shout outs:
I can't end without giving a shout out to everyone who contributed such thoughtful acts and services to me this weekend. Thank you Ti Tonga for seriously taking on all my roles and allowing me to relax! Thank you Mote si'i, Nici, & Siope for just being YOU and for making it through church without causing too much trouble. Thank you Mote lahi for hooking it up in the kitchen for dinner- you are seriously America's Top Chef! ha! Thank you Toa for helping each of my kids make me such sweet cards and for babysitting them while me & Ti Tonga went to the temple! Thank you Teti (my Daddio!) for always thinking about me and my family! We appreciate the money, but most significantly we appreciate your love! And most importantly, thank you MOM! for giving me life, for putting up with me and being the BEST Mom and Grandma we could ask for!!! For being the most UNSELFISH woman I know! Thank you MOM! I LOVE YOU!


Angeles said...

man, you're too spoiled. handmade gifts are the best. i can't believe you have three boys! so cute.

i love your mom. she's so amazing. happy mother's day kiki.

TrishHavili said...

Wow, you're boys are getting so big. I was just talking about you on the weekend to Crystal Moleni, because she said I reminded her of you by having boys back to back. I loved reading what your men did for you, so sweet! Isn't it nice being the only female... at least for now.

pwincessdi said...

Kiki that was such a sweet post!! That's why I love Mothers Day, I love it more than my b'day cause I know every woman is being honored (or should be) Then men in your life are awesome! I'm glad you had a great Mothers Day! :)

Anonymous said...

Such a great post Kiki! Being a Mother, is definitely a blessing! :)

F-A-N-G-U-P-O said...

That's so sweet.... Sounds like you had a very special mother's day! We missed you guys here at our annual mother's day feast...but we were thinking of you! Yes this one is kicking me in the butt....maybe it means it's a girl 'fingers crossed' but either way we're more than happy!!