Friday, November 6, 2009


Siope: "Mote can I have your wristband?"

Mote: "No."

Siope: *pouts* "Man, you're mean! Jesus doesn't like when you don't share"...

.... "so I'm gonna punch you!"

The kids say the craziest things sometimes. Siope especially! He's been saying a lot of unkind things to his brothers. It's like he doesn't even realize what he's saying is mean, and that he's completely contradicting himself. I know he probably says things because we let him get away with a lot more being the youngest. I'm trying not to turn a blind eye as much when it comes to him. When I tell him that what he says is not nice he pauses and looks at me like he honestly didn't realize what he did was wrong until I just pointed it out. Today I asked him, "Do you not want anything for Christmas? Is that why you say mean things? Cause Santa's not going to bring you anything if you keep saying naughty words." I think it actually hit home for him. He quickly apologized and said that he wants to say nice things so Santa can bring him something for Christmas. Hopefully it works.

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