It's been a while since I've blogged. I really need to catch up! Last Sunday I had an interview with Brother Davies and my new calling is *drum roll please* ... Primary teacher for CTR 5's. I think we have 3 different CTR 5 classes (Nici being in one of them). Last Sunday we started at our new schedule and even though I'm not a morning person I think we're going to enjoy getting out at noon! Ti was sick so it was just me and the boys. Siope didn't do too good with his first day in Sunbeams. I'm hoping that since I'll be in primary next week, that he'll be able to adjust better. I still can't believe all three of the boys are in primary! I got to go to Sunday School and Relief Society though, and was pleasantly surprised that Cheryl Johnson is our new Relief Society President. I know she will do awesome things!
We also had the opportunity to spend a little time with Ka'ea and her little family. They passed through Vegas on their way to Utah and spent the night here. Her daughter Chrissy is the cutest little girl! Nici of course couldn't get enough of the baby and has started reminding me
again that he would like a baby sister.
I got hired on permanently at Pier 1. I was originally hired on as seasonal and Steve pulled me into his office when I got back from Salt Lake and offered me a permanent position. Of course I accepted. I love the job, the people, and of course the discount =) The after Christmas sale was bananas! People are crazy when it comes to reduced prices I tell ya! I'm glad that it's kind of settled down. I totally scored on some greenery for my kitchen tonight- I seriously LOVE having the inside scoop on sale and clearance items!
Mote is back in school thank goodness. It was good that he had a long enough break for us to go home for the holidays, but I think we're all glad that the kid is back in school.
I think that's about it. Nici's black eye is pretty much healed. Can barely tell that he even had one to begin with. The kids still ask to go to grandma's, but all in all I think we're all glad to be home. There's nothing like sleeping in your own bed I tell ya!