Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Weekend Alone

Ti Tonga and my siblings all know that I'm pretty much the designated travel agent in the family (not by choice!) It seems like every time someone is in the mood to travel- my phone rings... "Kiki can you list me for this flight." "Kiki can you book a car rental for me." "Kiki what time does my flight leave?"
My dad called me to take care of his travel arrangements for the weekend- they were planning on going to California, and I was surprised when they asked if they could take my boys along- ALL 3 OF THEM! The first and last time that all 3 of the boys were away from us was Christmas of '06. Of course you can take them!! =) The entire household could hardly wait for the weekend to hit. The boys were super excited to see grandma and grandpa, and me and Ti were excited to get some time to ourselves. We do EVERYTHING with the kids. The only time we are away from them is when we go to work (which is no fun). So as soon as I found out that we would have 2 whole days to ourselves, a million and one ideas started brewing up of all the fun things we could do. Hmmmm.... what to watch, where to go, what to see???
Can I just say that the boys' weekend was a lot more spectacular than their Mom and Dads! As soon as they drove off, I longed for them. I didn't even want to leave the house. Me and Ti did end up going out and it was nice to spend time with him, but it would be a total lie if I said that we had the time of our lives living on the edge. Everything reminded me of them and I kept worrying if they were okay. "I hope grandma remembers that she has to put Nici's lotion on right after he gets out of the bathtub." "Maybe I should call and make sure grandma knows which church clothes go on each of the kids." It was pretty pathetic. When Monday came me and Ti sat downstairs staring at the clock wondering how much longer we had to wait til our quiet household would return to it's normal uproar. I am so glad to say that we are back to pandemonium. I am so grateful for my children, no matter how rowdy they can get. They seriously had a blast in California. They could've gone anywhere and had fun, as long as they were with grandma and grandpa. I have such awesome family. I love and appreciate them so much. I am so blessed and am glad to finally have my boys back. Together is definitely a wonderful place to be!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

LOL! You two are funny....come on you guys you in live in freakin Sin City...LOL! No roller coster of some sort, nothing?...ha ha! Just kidding, in fact I'm the same way...but I live in Utah so I have no choice but stare at the clock when their gone :-)

F-A-N-G-U-P-O said...

What a cute story....your parents are such good grandparents!!

pwincessdi said...

I remember those days of never ever not having kids. When me and Pulu were living out in Cali, we longed to come to Utah juss so we could have some alone time and we always ended up talkin about the kids...too funny!!


LMBO! Girl u guys sound like Teki & I..got a whoole day to ourselves and we end up talkin or moping around for the kids! lol AND worrying about grandma doin certain things the way we would prefer them! Too funny Keekz.