Monday, January 11, 2010

Siegfried & Roy's Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat

Ever since I started my job I feel like all I do is work and sleep. Today I had the day off so me and Ti Tonga decided that we should spend the day doing something fun with the boys. Ti was so set on going to the Shark Reef, but I thought it would be fun to go to the Mirage since we've never been there before. After we bought our tickets for the Secret Garden I was kind of worried that the trip would turn out lame. We arrived at the first pool of dolphins and there was little action going on, but Ti spotted a second pool and as soon as we got there the kids were just in awe of how close the dolphins were to them. I think Nic was the most vocal about his excitement. He chased the dolphins up and down the pool with a huge smile on his face. I wish we could've touched them, but we weren't allowed to reach in the pool. We stayed there for a while just waving and watching the dolphins. There were 3 of them: a baby dolphin by the name of Bella, her mother, and her grandmother. I have never seen such intelligent animals before. I mean, I know that every creature can feel and express emotions, but these dolphins- it was like they could comprehend the admiration we had for them, and they were able to show us that they understood.

After playing with Bella and her family we went into The Secret Garden and got to see lots of animals. The kids were most excited to see the white tigers- they were all beautiful.

We came back out and headed downstairs to where we could see the bottom half of the pool which allowed the kids to see a different set of dolphins swim below the water. These dolphins were all males and were a lot bigger than Bella and her family- and a lot faster too.
The kids had also hoped to see the volcano show out front, but we didn't get a chance to see it because it was still light out... maybe another night.
I'm so glad we ended up going to the Mirage- way better than the Shark Reef in my opinion.

1 comment:


What fun things to do in Vegas, Ur boys are so stinkin cute!! I need some boys in my life!! u wanna trade? lol =)