Wednesday, June 24, 2009
My Falatea Girls
When we were getting ready to leave Salt Lake and head back to Vegas Siope decided that he wanted to stay behind with Ti Tonga. So as I was getting out the suitcase to take Siope's clothes out my two nieces came up asking me what I was doing. While I explained to them that Siope was going to stay in Utah I decided to ask them if they wanted to come with me to Vegas- a trade if you will. So they asked their parents and on a total last minute request, I ended up driving back to Vegas with Lauren and Constance. They got to spend 2 weeks of their summer vacation with us. During that time I learned so much about them! I've been in Vegas for 3 years and they've grown so much in that time. I see them whenever I go back to Utah, but being around them for 24hrs each day out here allowed me to see their true personalities. It did bring some challenges being that I normally only deal with boys in my house, but I'm lucky that they're old enough to pretty much take care of themselves. They were a big help around the house and I hope they had as much fun here with us as I had with them.

The Force- Soccer Party
Yesterday Mote's soccer team had their end of the season party. We met at Exploration Park and the kids got to munch on treats and play on the playground before they were presented with their plaques. On our way home we swung by 7 Eleven for some good ole slurpee action before calling it a night. We've had so much fun watching Mote play this season and have seen so much improvement in his game. He's enjoyed playing with his team mates and is looking forward to yet another season with The Force.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Nici Nic
My second son Nic might be the epitome of the term "black sheep".... but we love him for being the unique one in the family. I've been struggling to find a way to teach him his letters. What worked like a charm for Mote and Siope seems to have little effect on him. This morning he comes up to me and says "Mooooooooom, Siope called me the "S" word!" Right away I looked at him thinking "If this kid really knows a word that starts with the letter S, I might very well bust out a cartwheel"... so I asked him, "What was the "S" word that he called you?" To which my little Nici replied, "Liar. He called me a Liar." Hmmmm L, S, same difference? Then he sat next to me and laid his head on my arm... (I was out running this morning and was still in my sweaty clothes)... he breathes in, then kinda flinches. So I giggle and say "What? Do I stink?" And he politely answers, "No. But that arm smells like exercise." Oh Nici, you crack me up!

Monday, June 22, 2009
Head of the Pack
He's sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
The O'Reilly Factor or Sports Center
You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?
He'll order Ranch, then pass it over to me =)
What's one food he doesn't like?
? He's not a picky eater at all. I can't think of anything that he doesn't really care for.
You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order?
Steak with mashed potatoes and a side of mushrooms (and A1 sauce of course) with a Coke
Where did he go to high school?
Hunter High School. Apparently Hunter guys love them some Kearns girls :D
What size shoe does he wear?
If he was to collect anything, what would it be?
Does socks count? He feels like he needs to buy a new pack every time we're at the store. He could probably also start a collection of safety goggles & those free pencils he brings home from work.
What is his favorite type of sandwich?
Cheese Steak from Capriotti's
What would he eat every day if he could?
What is his favorite cereal?
Honey Bunches of Oats
What would he never wear?
Muscle shirts/ Tight T's (thank goodness!)
What is his favorite sports team?
Utah Jazz hands down!!!
Who did he vote for?
McCain- I voted for the both of us because he procrastinated on registering
Who is his best friend?
Me of course! ha!
What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do?
Probably cut my hair. He likes it long... too bad so sad.
What is his heritage?
Vaini Vale
You bake him a cake for his birthday; what kind of cake will it be?
Chocolate with chocolate pudding and whipped cream
Did he play sports in high school?
Football for Hunter... and rugby with the Lions? Not sure what team, but he's been playing rugby since he was a sophomore.
What could he spend hours doing?
Play dominoes with the guys (I've seen it happen.)
What is one unique talent he has?
He is famous among the kids for his tickling skills which is both horrible and great at the same time.
Ti Tonga left to Salt Lake Saturday afternoon, so sadly me and the boys were not able to spend Father's Day with him. I'm glad he was at least able to spend the day with his own Dad and enjoy a Father's Day meal with his family. I was going through our Fangupo family website and found some of these old pics that made me smile.

I can't believe how much our kids have grown. I constantly joke around with Ti Tonga and tell him that we're cursed with boys because of his Fangupo genes. All joking aside- we have been blessed with three wonderful healthy sons who are the best of friends. And what more could a household of boys require than a Father to look up to and learn from. Me and Ti entered parenthood earlier than probably either of us imagined we would. But regardless of our age or maybe lack of experience in life- he has been an incredible father from day 1. I can see the admiration in our boy's eyes whenever he steps in the room. One day Mote came up to me and told me that when he grows up he wants to be a Dad. The boys are always trying to mimick him and do things just like "Teti". If Ti expresses that he likes a certain food or show on T.V., then it's automatically Mote's favorite food or show too. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father has led me to this amazing person. I have been lucky enough to experience life's joys and trials alongside this man and am privileged that he is mine eternally.
The O'Reilly Factor or Sports Center
You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?
He'll order Ranch, then pass it over to me =)
What's one food he doesn't like?
? He's not a picky eater at all. I can't think of anything that he doesn't really care for.
You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order?
Steak with mashed potatoes and a side of mushrooms (and A1 sauce of course) with a Coke
Where did he go to high school?
Hunter High School. Apparently Hunter guys love them some Kearns girls :D
What size shoe does he wear?
If he was to collect anything, what would it be?
Does socks count? He feels like he needs to buy a new pack every time we're at the store. He could probably also start a collection of safety goggles & those free pencils he brings home from work.
What is his favorite type of sandwich?
Cheese Steak from Capriotti's
What would he eat every day if he could?
What is his favorite cereal?
Honey Bunches of Oats
What would he never wear?
Muscle shirts/ Tight T's (thank goodness!)
What is his favorite sports team?
Utah Jazz hands down!!!
Who did he vote for?
McCain- I voted for the both of us because he procrastinated on registering
Who is his best friend?
Me of course! ha!
What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do?
Probably cut my hair. He likes it long... too bad so sad.
What is his heritage?
Vaini Vale
You bake him a cake for his birthday; what kind of cake will it be?
Chocolate with chocolate pudding and whipped cream
Did he play sports in high school?
Football for Hunter... and rugby with the Lions? Not sure what team, but he's been playing rugby since he was a sophomore.
What could he spend hours doing?
Play dominoes with the guys (I've seen it happen.)
What is one unique talent he has?
He is famous among the kids for his tickling skills which is both horrible and great at the same time.
Ti Tonga left to Salt Lake Saturday afternoon, so sadly me and the boys were not able to spend Father's Day with him. I'm glad he was at least able to spend the day with his own Dad and enjoy a Father's Day meal with his family. I was going through our Fangupo family website and found some of these old pics that made me smile.

Monday, June 15, 2009
More of Fatu's Grad
A couple more photos of Fatu's grad courtesy of Junior's camera. He was standing all the way up in the nosebleed section and managed to zoom up this close- yowzas!! I need to get me one of those cameras!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Fatulisi Moala : KHS Class of 2009

Fatu is my youngest brother and I still can't believe he has completed High School! He is such a special person in our family because we have all had the opportunity to work with him and help him with his goals. This boy has been able to handle whatever life has thrown at him. He has such an open mind and has been willing to try anything that he comes across. I have watched him excel in soccer, basketball, and football. He has been able to travel for numerous sport tournaments and has even had the opportunity to represent Utah in it's Jr. Olympic soccer team. I have also seen his talent in music and art. And, besides all this- he has been able to maintain a CPA of 3.2 throughout his high school year- not bad for a boy ;) I am just so proud of him! Fatu will be attending the University of Utah this summer and I am hopefull that he will continue to shine. Congrats Fatu on all your accomplishments!! We love you!

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