Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 2 With the Falatea's + the Fangupo's

Anyone who loves to swim will find our home a perfect fit. We took Vince & Misi swimming yesterday and they've been talking about going back to the pool nonstop. Asking Vince to wait til school was out was torture, but he survived. Swimming just wouldn't be the same without all 5 boys anyway.

Ti's two youngest brothers are in town as well, so after the pool we met up for dinner. There were a couple locations that were brought up as suggestions, but I kept pushing for M Resort, which eventually won ;) It was our first time there and we had such a great experience. The resort is BEAUTIFUL!!! We ate at Studio B and were seated right next to a window overlooking the city. The food was so yummy- well worth waiting in the line that seemed never ending.

Good times!

1 comment:

F-A-N-G-U-P-O said...

How fun! I'm gonna have to tell Ova for us to try out that buffet when we're out there!