Monday, July 19, 2010

Plant a Seed and Watch It Grow

Nic was so excited when he brought home a project from school- a plastic cup filled with soil and a seed he planted. He exclaimed that he was going to water it every day and that his teacher promised that it would grow into a plant. I was a little nervous when I heard this because when I looked into the cup all I could see was a bunch of mush. There was more water in the cup than actual dirt. When we got home I put Nic's cup on the kitchen windowsill to catch some sun. I checked on it every day secretly wishing that Nic would forget about it. Each afternoon I filled the cup with a little water and watched for progress. I started to doubt that there was even a seed in the cup. What if Nic forgot to put the seed in? Or if his seed was a dud? When I finally seen the first sign of something sprouting I called Nic over and he was so proud that his little seed was growing... so was I ;)

We put it back up on the windowsill and continued to water it.

Look at how much it's grown!