Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Class of 2010

Yesterday Nic graduated from Kindergarten! He missed school last Thursday and Friday so I didn't get the reminder his teacher sent home about the graduation date/time. As I was dropping Ti Tonga off at work Monday morning I remembered that Nic would be graduating later that day. I'm so glad I remembered before I dropped him off! I kept thinking what would've happened if I sent him to school not dressed properly or if I wasn't in the crowd as he performed on stage :( But we made it! When it was time to go to school I told him that me and Siope would meet him at his ceremony. Before he went out the door he said, "Mom! Don't forget your camera okay?!" He's been so excited to wear his graduation cap ever since we turned in his cap money (over a month ago).

This year there were more classes graduating. I don't remember Mote's year being so full. I didn't get a good seat and I was so annoyed that parents kept standing up during the performances to get video footage and pictures of the kids. They completely blocked my view. I didn't get any pics of Nic on stage and couldn't get good footage of them singing. Poor Siope was upset that he couldn't see. I tried holding him up so that he could see Nic, but balancing him, my purse, and the camera all at once was more than I could handle. I got one blurry pic of Nic entering the cafeteria...
and a little clip of one of their class songs...

The students performed several songs and ended by marching out to Black Eyed Peas' - I Gotta Feeling. We met up in Nic's class afterward where his teacher Ms. Keidel presented each of her students their diplomas.Refreshments were served...and each of the students presented us with their Kindergarten books- a collection of some of their projects and artwork they created throughout the school year.
Here's Nic's very first homework assignment...
Nic has had a total of 3 teachers this school year (not by choice). There was a lot of moving around due to the number of kids that entered into Kindergarten. His 2nd teacher was Mrs. Higa who we ABSOLUTELY LOVED!!! She really cared about Nic and had a way with getting through to him. He learns a lot differently and she was so patient with him! The progress he showed while she was his teacher was amazing. We were so sad when we found out she was leaving his class to teach special ed. She showed up to watch each of the kids receive their diplomas. I was so happy to see her. She congratulated Nic and spoke words of encouragement to him.
Nic & Ms. Keidel (his current teacher)
Nic & Gabrielle- his pal, neighbor, & carpool buddy
First Grade Bound!
Siope, Nic, & Timote
Mr. Graduate!
Ti wasn't able to make it due to his work schedule. When we got in the car Mote said, "Mom guess what? I got an award." So I'm thinking-- cool... another math award? And Mote says, " I made it on the honor roll." I was soooooo proud of him!!! Bummed that I didn't know about the award assembly, but so proud of his achivement! We picked up Ti Tonga and then went out to celebrate. The kids chose.... Chili's of course. Ti's birthday was on Sunday so it was a celebration of his birthday, Nic's graduation, and Mote making it on the honor roll.

Today Mote came home with his graduation certificate from 1st grade...
Tomorrow will be the last day of school, then the boys will get a 3 week break before starting the new school year. This coming year we are actually switching to a traditional 9 month school schedule - Hallelujah! Not much of a break to allow for the adjustment, but I'm sure I won't be complaining once next summer hits. I'm already making plans to ship them off to Grandma's next June =)


F-A-N-G-U-P-O said...

That is so awesome! I wish the Jordan School district did more of a graduation thing for their kids....even a certificate like Mote's would have been nice....love your pictures! Can't believe the kids are growing up so fast! Such smart boys you have Kiki!

pwincessdi said...

Kiki your boys r soo cute!