When I switched over to my new schedule I had to work 10 consecutive days before I finally got time off. I wanted to do something fun with the kids to celebrate my hard work
LOL, but before I could even plan something my mom called and asked if her & my dad could take the boys to California with them. I gave her permission without even thinking twice ;) So me and Ti got to spend the night out. This is kinda embarrassing, but we didn't really know what to do with ourselves. Ti wanted to go watch a show, so we got dressed and headed to the strip. We had an employee discount for
The Beatles LOVE, so we booked some seats for that. We picked up our tickets from our Concierge at Aria and we had time to kill, so we hung out at some of the lounges and I took him up to the 58th floor where we have a sitting area. There's floor to ceiling windows there and it's the best view of the strip. He was blown away. We went over to the Mirage after and made our way to the theater. It was so packed!!! Their theater is awesome though! It's cool just standing in line cause there's so many interesting things to look at and their staff is all dressed up (man I would hate to have that job and have to dress up in those corny outfits). The theater itself was cool. The seats circled the stage all the way around, so you had a good seat no matter where you sat. The only other Cirque show that I've seen is Elvis and this was very different. There were a TON of acrobatics. It was crazy. We definitely had a good time. We walked the strip a little after the show, then decided to have dinner somewhere off the strip so we headed to Sierra Gold. We ate, then made our way home and called it a night. I don't think we've ever had a real night out together WITHOUT the kids in such a long time. It was so fun to spend some time together with my husband. And I know the boys had a blast with grandma and grandpa in Cali.

Nice! When me and Uas get time to ourselves we really don't know what to do with ourselves either. We seriously just watch movies eating junk, and talk about how much we miss our kids LOL!
Glad you guys had some time to yourselves, it's nice to have that sometimes!
LOL @ Mua's comment....how come that's exactly how me and Ova are too....and that's what we always end up doing, watching movies, eating junk and talking about our kids....hahaha... See what marriage and kids do to you...you forget how to have fun! haha Sounds like you and TiTonga had a blast though, good for you! I've always wanted to watch a show....never have before, but it's definitely on my to do list!
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