Monday, November 21, 2011

October Haps: Pumpkin Picks 2011

Samiu and Toakesa slept over and we let them all pick out pumpkins. We can't carve our pumpkins early out here because they won't last in the heat. We will normally carve our pumpkins the day before or the actual day of Halloween. I wanted to spruce them up in some way so I decided to add some spook to them while they sat on the porch waiting to be carved. I let each of the kids pick out a design and we decorated each of the individual pumpkins. Here's some pictures of the kids with their pumpkins they chose...

The entire group with their picks of the patch

And here's what the pumpkins looked like after we decorated them with vinyl

Pumpkins L-R: Mote, Siope, Nic, Toakesa, Samiu

Here's our Halloween House

October 2011... Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

Aki said...

I love the vinyl! Great job!