Friday, December 19, 2008


Wednesday was our very first Parent Teacher Conference. Ever since I signed up to meet with Mote's teacher and review his progress, I've been a little nervous. A couple of times that I've picked up Mote from school there's been some kids in his class that have gotten in trouble for talking/disrupting the class and not doing their work. All these thoughts started going through my mind. I know that Mote's a good kid at home, but I wondered if his behavior was the same at school. Well today we had the chance to hear it straight from his teacher. We all went in and the kids got to play around in the classroom while me and Ti sat with Miss Ruffridge. She went over his state test scores first. When she pulled out the results all I could see were a bunch of 100's. Mote completely aced the math section! It was a four part test and he got a 100% on all four parts. I was so proud! Then we moved on to the reading and comprehension. His teacher looks at us and says, "For this test, I'm going to show you his actual work so that you can understand why he scored the way he did." Uh, oh... this didn't sound good. My little sense of pride seriously shot down. She went through each page telling us the questions she asked each of the kids and what skills it was helping them develop. We looked at Mote's test- it was so cute to see him circle or underline his answers. On one page I even seen faint pencil traces where he decided to erase an answer- so cute. As we flipped through each of the test pages I kept seeing the same thing over and over. 4/4, 4/4, 4/4. In the end- Mote again aced what was required of him. He not only met the requirements, but he exceeded them. Okay so far so good. How about his behavior? According to Miss Ruffridge Mote is very polite, helpful, and has a great sense of humor. The only thing that she could think of that concerned her was his competitiveness. Aaah yes, this is something that me and Ti are all too familiar with. When he doesn't win he beats himself up. So we are working with him on that and I've already seen a little progress. I've heard him say to Nici, "Nici- it's okay if you don't win. Did you have fun?... Then it's okay! See!" So our very first Parent Teacher conference was great. I'm seriously the proudest mother on earth!


Halli said...

Wow! Good job, Mote!! And good job to you, Kiki and Ti Tonga. You're raising a scholar, and it shows already!

Mani said...

Mote you Rock!! This post makes me smile :) Not only is the boy a genius, but a respectful one at that?? NIIIIICE! Pat yourselves on the back mom and pops!
