Monday, September 14, 2009

Primary Pennies

Yesterday in church I was introduced to the "Pennies by the Inch" program which benefits Primary Children's Hospital. Has anyone else heard of this? It's a program designed to cover hospital services for children whose families cannot afford to pay. You can learn more about it by clicking here. Our Primary is helping out by getting each of the kids in our ward involved. Each person (teachers included) who brings their scriptures to church on Sunday receives a penny from the Primary Presidency. You then get to put that penny in our donation bin which will in the end be donated to Primary Children's Hospital. I think it's a wonderful way to not only contribute to those who need medical help, but to also introduce our kids to the beauty of service and the blessings that follow.

Mosiah 2:17 And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.


F-A-N-G-U-P-O said...

That's such a good idea...a penny isn't much, but if everybody gets a penny every Sunday, that can add up!! Thanks for sharing!

pwincessdi said...

what a great primary presidency!! i love that idea :) i'll have 2 pass that along to my mom, she's the primary pres in their ward. thanks 4 sharing

NONU6 said...

We used to do pennies by the inch as a neighborhood.. each child would measure themselves and then donate pennies for each inch. But that is such a creative way to get the children involved!! Love it!


that's so awesome!!! I love Primary Childrens Hospital they did so much for our family. Great cause!!! I have heard of this and also the pasta for pennies