Monday, June 28, 2010
Hula Who?
There are some things that I know will never make it into our house. Tiara's, Barbies, mermaids, princesses, tea sets - just to name a few. I thought I had it all figured out... until 2 weeks ago when the boys slept over Toakesa's house. It was the weekend that Ti was in Colorado and when we got to the house Toakesa was so excited to show the boys her new hula hoop she got for her birthday. I was talking to Toa in the living room but could overhear the kids in the kitchen. I didn't think too much of it cause I was sure that the boys wouldn't find her hula hoop interesting. Toakesa was showing them how good she had become when all the sudden I hear Mote say "Oh I know how to do it." He takes the hula hoop and starts shaking his hips for like 2 minutes straight without it falling. Me, Toa, and Mote (Lahi) were cracking up! I was so surprised that Mote knew how to hula hoop. He said that he learned in gym class. When Nic saw he wanted a turn and then the fighting over the hula hoop began. "Mom! Mote won't let me have a turn! He's hogging the hula hoop all to himself!" Wow, words that I thought I'd never hear my boys say. This was all weird and very surprising to me. Nic finally got a turn, but wasn't able to keep it up for more than a second. I thought it may have been a bit advanced for his thick little uncoordinated body to handle ;) But made sure that they kept taking turns. When I went to pick up the boys the next day Nic dashed down the stairs to hug me and the first thing out of his mouth was "Mom! Come watch me! I know how to hula hoop!" So I followed him and sure enough he had mastered the hula hoop. I was so shocked and not gonna lie - pretty proud of my little Nici =) Toa said they were stuck on the hula hoop all night. I told Ti Tonga about it on the phone, but I wanted him to see for himself. So I went to Walmart the other day and bought a hula hoop for our house- yes I know, I thought I'd never find myself in the hula hoop isle, but there I was. Finding a blue one without floral or butterflies turned out to be a bigger challenge than I thought. The kids were beyond excited when they seen it. Nic has gotten even better and him and Mote are now trying to teach Siope. I thought I should record them to show my Mom and sisters back home. I know if my brothers see this I'll never hear the end of it lol... oh well. Here's the boys hula hoopin to one of their FAVORITE songs.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Pre-Birthday Gifts
Ti Tonga and the boys will be heading out to Salt Lake this Friday - which happens to be Mote's 7th Birthday. My brother was just over last weekend and bought the kids a video game. He came over again last night and Mote says, "Misi guess what this Friday is?" Misi thought he was just bringing up the future trip to Utah but Mote exclaimed, "It's my Birthday!" Misi was so surprised that he asked me if Mote was telling the truth. So today after I picked up the boys from school I got a text from Misi asking if we were home cause he wanted to come over. He shows up with a bag full of birthday goodies for Mote.
I'm not sure how I'm going to top this ^ so I'm just not even going to try ;) I sent Misi a text last weekend thanking him for the first video game he bought and told him that he really didn't need to buy the kids anything. He responded by saying that I have such good boys who deserve nice things and that he loves them. It almost made me cry. I really do have the best family! Not just cause they buy my kids things, but because they love to do things that make my boys smile. Thank you Uncle Misi!

I'm so sad that the boys are leaving without me this weekend. Nic keeps saying "Mom, I wish you could come with us." I do too :( I guess it's just me, Mario, and Luigi this weekend =(
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
More Than Meets the Eye
Monday, June 14, 2010
From Last Place to Top 3
Soccer is done and I really should post about Mote's achievement this season. When he first started competing it was so cute to watch them play. After a couple games we noticed a pattern - we were losing lol. And frankly we were no match for any team! They were all a lot bigger than the kids on our team and we went the entire first season without even scoring one single goal. The next season we started out with the same pattern, but all the sudden one game Mote scored and our team went crazy. The other team was looking at us like we were nuts because of course we still lost, but the team mates and all the parents were cheering and screaming like we had won a championship. It was a huge step for us. Each season we enrolled him again without much expectation of winning any games. I thought it would still be good for him to learn the game and gain coordination. Each year the team showed improvement. We actually started scoring more, and eventually were able to pull out a victory. The kids have been practicing super hard and this year we won enough games to actually compete in the end-of-the-season tournament. I never even knew there was a tournament at the end of the season because we've never qualified to play in it. Mote was absolutely stoked! He was so focused and determined. Out of my 3 kids he is the most competitive. My parents got to watch the first game in the tournament and we ended up losing which was tough for Mote, but everyone said he did great. He scored our only 2 goals. The next week we played for 3rd and 4th place and we won! I thought he might be bummed because we didn't win a trophy, but he was sooooo excited that he won a medal for 3rd place.
He wore it all day Saturday and when I was getting ready to drop them off at Mote & Toa's that night he tried to wear it in the car and I had to tell him to take it off and leave it in his room because I didn't want it to get lost. We called Ti Tonga (who was in Colorado) and my Dad so that Mote could tell them about his win. And when Monday came Mote was all dressed for school with his medal around his neck. I let him wear it because I didn't want to burst his bubble a second time but made him promise that he would be extra careful with it while at school. Nic has been super jealous and has even stolen it a couple times, so I had to tell Nic that if he plays really hard then one day he'll earn one too. I'm so proud of Mote's team and how much they've improved. I told Mote that next year maybe, just maybe, we'll bring home a trophy =)

Friday, June 11, 2010
Teti's Team
"Mom, is Teti's team called the Flap Jacks?"
I couldn't stop laughing when Nic asked about the "flapjacks". I didn't want to correct him cause I thought it was hilarious so I told him "Yes, Teti's team is called the flapjacks :)
I came across another article on where they featured a pic of Ti front and center. Here's what the had to say about him: "While the backline featuring Esikia, Seta Tuilevuka and Mike Palefau was superb against Shore, the real stars, said Esikia, was the front row of Bryan Savelio, Clay Mihaere and David Fangupo at hooker."
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Las Vegas Blackjacks 2010- National Champs! said...
"GLENDALE, Colo. - Without much dispute, the two best teams in DI played for a national championship Sunday at Infinity Park where Las Vegas defeated Belmont Shore 36-22 to take home the crown that evaded them in the same game and venue a year ago."

Ti was on cloud nine! And I have to admit although I am not a fan of the sport I was ecstatic for his accomplishment. He loves the game so much and I was so happy that he was able to work toward a goal, achieve it, and reap the rewards of hard work and dedication.

The 2010 rugby season is over and (for me) it could not have come at a better time. I'm going to enjoy this short break from rugby and soccer and cannot wait to start sleeping in on Saturdays!

Monday, June 7, 2010
Kickin Littles: Spring 2010
We have been lucky enough to find a team that we love for Mote. He has played on the same team since we've been in Vegas. I'm so happy that we've found a "home" team for the 2 younger ones as well. Although the season has come to an end the boys are both looking forward to Fall season when they will meet up with their coaches and fellow Kickin Littles again.

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