Sunday, September 28, 2008


When we got to church today there was a poster advertising a ward trunk-or-treat right outside of the chapel. Mote and them noticed the Halloween decor and begged me to check out the poster up close and to read aloud what it said. There were pumpkins, a witch, and a ghost with wording across that read BOO! The boys could hardly contain their excitement when Nic all of the sudden points to the ghost and says,

"SHHHH! Look, it's the Holy Ghost!"

Ha! I eventually got them all inside where we sat down for fast and testimony meeting and were able to feel the real Holy Ghost =)


Halli said...

Nic, you're so freakin cute! Kiki what a great little quote to write and blog about. I'm sure that's a story you'll be able to share for years to come. It sure made me laugh out loud! =P

NONU6 said...

Your boys say the cutest things!

Anonymous said...

LOL. Nici, you're freakin hilarious yet serious at the same time! Halloween is just around the corner!

Unknown said...

LOL!!...This is the cutest and funniest story!! Your boys are so hilarious!...must get it from their Love ya Kiki!