Sunday, October 26, 2008

He Shoots, He SCORES!

Mote's game was bright and early today. 8:00 am to be specific (remember that thing I said about NOT being a morning person?!--- still very TRUE!) I thought for sure that I'd be hauling the kids by myself today. And we were in charge of half-time snacks and after game treats as well. I was surprised to get a phone call from Ti Tonga at 5 am telling me to come pick him up. Work was canceled again. Hallelujah for help!
We played the same team that killed us at the beginning of the season. We did sooo much better this time though! The kids did an awesome job at defending and we actually SCORED! The player responsible for the goal??-- None other than our little man Timote! He was so excited! "Mom, we won! Did you see me win?!" Not quite a win, but pretty flippin rad anyway! Him passing out the after game treats only added to his heroic high.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY Mote!!!!