Monday, October 13, 2008

Weekend Wrap-Up

When we originally put Mote into soccer and found out that his games would be every Saturday morning Ti was kind of bummed. We thought that if we were lucky enough- Mote would be able to have his Dad at atleast one of his games. After watching Mote for the first time last weekend it seems as though Ti's set on making it to as many games as he can. This Saturday they got sent home from work because it was too windy so we made it with Ti Tonga to another soccer game yay!
I woke up extra early because pictures were scheduled for the day and Mote was missing one of his black socks grrr. After a little bit of a hunt the black sock was located, hair was gelled, and uniform was on with jersey tucked in. I can only imagine how cold it must've been in Utah because it was freeeeeezing in Vegas! We tried our best to stay warm under our hoodies and Ti made the boys run around with the soccer ball to keep them from turning into icicles. By the time it was our turn to take pictures- the sweatshirts were removed and all the attempts to achieve a hairdo worthy of the camera went out the window. I hope you enjoy hoodie hair Grandma and Grandpa, because that is what Mote will be modeling this year.
I'm not sure if Mote's team will be able to pull out a win this year which is completely fine with me. He is having the time of his life playing soccer with his friends. I do however think that he has a shot at making a goal this season. He gets better and better with each game. And there's something about a Father watching his sons play sports. I'm not sure which is more rewarding- watching Mote play soccer or watching Ti Tonga watch Mote play soccer. I'm so glad he's able to share this experience with us.
We had a limited amount of team mates this weekend due to that darn flu. So, the team didn't have half-time or after game snacks. Mote was so bummed <--sheesh! But Teti was there to save the day. We made a trip to 7 Eleven where they loaded up on goodies. It's funny to see Ti Tonga spoil them cause he is the biggest "anti-spoiler"... I guess sports is an exception in his book =)
Later that night we met up with David (Brokes) & Talia Maumau for dinner. They were in town celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary. Congrats Maumau's! Your little family is so sweet and it was great seeing you.
p.s. I thought there was an "easy" way to do this collage stuff on Picasa, but there's not. (If there is, I sure wasn't able to figure it out). I took way too long trying to crop and arrange each photo and it looks like crap anyway lol. I don't know how the rest of you do it, but this is my first and last post attempting this. I will stick to my "one picture-at-a-time" style.


NONU6 said...

Nice pics Kiki, I like the one of the photog and Mote! cute.

Anonymous said...

Todai's?! GOsh, everyone and their freakin mom is talking about that place. I'm not a big seafood fan, but I'm sure Abe would be in heaven! Anyway, i'm glad Ti gets to go to the games (sometimes). We've yet to have boys play sports here. =( Darn asthma!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I use another program for the collages. It's way easy. Remind me to tell you about it!

Kiki Fangupo said...

Really? I'm not a big seafood fan either! I didn't think it was that great. I thought it was kinda ghetto inside... but isn't that how every buffet is? It was fun though- we had good company.

Halli said...

Kiki, I love your little stories to go along with your cute and so personal. We really get a look into the lives of Kiki & Ti + 3.... so cute!