Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Power of Music

Today in church our speakers talked about the influence of music. Ti Tonga had talked to me after the Priesthood session this past conference about my music choice and letting that type of material in our home. I decided that yes I need to choose a better selection of music to listen to. It's definitely not something that I should be playing in the car while the kids are in there. I've always known that music is my weakness. I usually do pretty good in other areas of my religion, but I admit that I have never been able to give up my music. I thought that as long as I purchased the edited versions that I was dodging sin. I have been in denial and it took Ti Tonga to remind me that edited or not, the music I was listening to was not uplifting. Our speakers today did not send anybody on a guilt trip. They didn't focus on degrading music, but instead highlighted how the right kind of music can allow the Spirit to testify to us. They spoke on how music most often times can invite the Spirit to bear witness to us more so than any other avenue. I sat in the back thinking "yeah I guess they're right." Then all the sudden we did something that I've never seen happen in sacrament. The other ward members didn't seemed surprised at all. I guess they've all experienced this before, but this was the first time me and Ti Tonga have been included in something like this. It was sort of like a musical testimony meeting. The bishopric turned the time over to the congregation to share their favorite hymns followed by a verse that we would all sing of that particular selection. One by one ward members approached the pulpit with their green hymn books in hand, telling of special experiences they've had with these sacred hymns and how their testimonies have been strengthened as a result of them. Some of their stories were funny, but all of them wonderfully uplifting. One sister told of a time when she was in high school and her mother was undergoing surgery. They were not sure if she had cancer and it was a very scary time for them. The day the surgery was to take place, she attended her early morning seminary and the opening hymn they sang that day was "I Need Thee Every Hour" It gave her courage and hope and she still looks to that hymn today in times of need. Another brethren shared his favorite, "Israel, Israel, God is Calling", and immediately I thought of our Tongan ward back in Kearns. This is one of my favorite hymns to hear in Tongan. I started to get teary eyed as we sang the lyrics. The memory of our old ward members came to mind and it was comforting to know that no matter where I was, no matter what language was being spoken, the same Spirit was there. As the next sister got up and announced her favorite hymn and the piano started to play, I just lost it. Love at Home. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. We sing this song at every Fangupo family event. No matter where we gather, this song is always sung. We sing it in Tongan and even the family that are not members sing along too. I actually am lucky to have a tiny clip of us singing this song at Tea's birthday celebration. I know that when we sing praises and listen to enlightening music we give the Spirit the opportunity to touch our hearts. Of this I have a testimony.


RINA :) said...

Oh Kiki that was BEAUTIFUL! Music is one of my biggest weaknesses, and I KNOW it's not good for my kids. I can't even listen to Fiji any more without the kids singing "Morning Ride"...yeahhhh, not such a good influence, eh? LOL I need to be more conscious of what I'm listening to as well as watching, when the kids are around.

Thank you for that =)

P.S. We ended up taking the kids, but we tag teamed, so we had each other's back (Me and Mani). LOL It wasn't bad at all =)

Unknown said...

This is such a touching post Kiki! Love it! It made me tear up. Thanks for the post! Have a Happy Halloween!! Love you!

Anonymous said...

I too was touched and got teary eyed! Your ward rocks!!!!

Halli said...

Kiki, I couldn't agree more. This is one of my biggest problem areas too, cause girl, I love me some hip hop! Especially that Jay...mmmmm! But I'm a true believe in music witnessing to myself and others. Thanks for the reminder. =)

Anonymous said...

Hey Kiki.. I found your page through Sila's page, hope you don't mind me stopping by.. But I couldn't pass this one up!Lol I got so emotional reading this blog! I never really thought about the kind of music I listened to before.. What an eye opener! Thanks for sharing this with us!