Friday, October 31, 2008

Ryan's Boo Bash

Not only was today Halloween, but it was also the day of Ryan Villagomez's Birthday Boo Bash. Siope got his invitation a couple of weeks ago and has been counting down the days to celebrate with his friends at the park. Ryan is in Siope's nursery class and his Mom Selena is actually Siope's teacher.
We met up at Exploration park and the kids were able to play on the playground with eachother and enjoy pizza- all while in their costumes. I brought my camera, but when I whipped it out to get a pic of Siope and the birthday boy I realized that the fully charged battery was at home on the the kitchen counter. So I had to rely on my camera phone and got a couple of pictures when the pinata fun began.
Ryan's dad Pete used to be in nursery with his wife and got released around the same time as Ti Tonga to serve in the scouts as well. Mine and Ti's family are completely aware that Siope is way too attached to me. This kid will not leave my side and when we're in public he all of the sudden becomes extremely shy. He's getting a lot better, but I couldn't believe what I witnessed today. When Siope saw Pete he ran over and started climbing all over him, making funny noises, hanging off his arms and shoulders- I was absolutely astonished! I told Pete and Selena that I had NEVER seen Siope act so comfortably around anybody... EVER. They laughed nonchalantly as if they were used to seeing this side of my son. When I called Siope over still in disbelief he casually said, "What Mom? I'm just talking to my teacher." Thank you Villagomez's! Not only for allowing us to join you in celebrating Ryan's 3rd birthday, but for being the amazing people that you are to my little Siope.

*random side note... Often times when I'm referring to Selena (Villagomez), I accidentally refer to her as Selena Gomez- too much Disney Channel and Radio Disney! lol

1 comment:

Halli said...

Wow, sounds like Siope is branching out a little. At least you know he's in good hands when he's in nursery. It's always a good sign when the love their teacher.