Friday, October 31, 2008
Oh What a Fright, It's Halloween Night!

Ryan's Boo Bash
Not only was today Halloween, but it was also the day of Ryan Villagomez's Birthday Boo Bash. Siope got his invitation a couple of weeks ago and has been counting down the days to celebrate with his friends at the park. Ryan is in Siope's nursery class and his Mom Selena is actually Siope's teacher.
We met up at Exploration park and the kids were able to play on the playground with eachother and enjoy pizza- all while in their costumes. I brought my camera, but when I whipped it out to get a pic of Siope and the birthday boy I realized that the fully charged battery was at home on the the kitchen counter. So I had to rely on my camera phone and got a couple of pictures when the pinata fun began.
Ryan's dad Pete used to be in nursery with his wife and got released around the same time as Ti Tonga to serve in the scouts as well. Mine and Ti's family are completely aware that Siope is way too attached to me. This kid will not leave my side and when we're in public he all of the sudden becomes extremely shy. He's getting a lot better, but I couldn't believe what I witnessed today. When Siope saw Pete he ran over and started climbing all over him, making funny noises, hanging off his arms and shoulders- I was absolutely astonished! I told Pete and Selena that I had NEVER seen Siope act so comfortably around anybody... EVER. They laughed nonchalantly as if they were used to seeing this side of my son. When I called Siope over still in disbelief he casually said, "What Mom? I'm just talking to my teacher." Thank you Villagomez's! Not only for allowing us to join you in celebrating Ryan's 3rd birthday, but for being the amazing people that you are to my little Siope.
*random side note... Often times when I'm referring to Selena (Villagomez), I accidentally refer to her as Selena Gomez- too much Disney Channel and Radio Disney! lol
We met up at Exploration park and the kids were able to play on the playground with eachother and enjoy pizza- all while in their costumes. I brought my camera, but when I whipped it out to get a pic of Siope and the birthday boy I realized that the fully charged battery was at home on the the kitchen counter. So I had to rely on my camera phone and got a couple of pictures when the pinata fun began.

*random side note... Often times when I'm referring to Selena (Villagomez), I accidentally refer to her as Selena Gomez- too much Disney Channel and Radio Disney! lol
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Kindergarten Chills & Thrills
Nevada observance day just happens to fall on October 31, which means no school. So Mote's class held their Halloween party today. Although there would be no parade like my good 'ol school days, there would be plenty of spooktacular activities for the students in Ms. Ruthride's class. Kinda bummed that I didn't get to stay for the entire shindig, but I didn't want to be known as "that one parent who's two younger kids crashed the party"... so after seeing Mote in- me, Nici, and Siope headed home. After school he filled us in on all the party details and shared his goodies with his brothers. He has been looking forward to this day, and I'm sure it was all he expected and more.

Sunday, October 26, 2008
The Power of Music
Today in church our speakers talked about the influence of music. Ti Tonga had talked to me after the Priesthood session this past conference about my music choice and letting that type of material in our home. I decided that yes I need to choose a better selection of music to listen to. It's definitely not something that I should be playing in the car while the kids are in there. I've always known that music is my weakness. I usually do pretty good in other areas of my religion, but I admit that I have never been able to give up my music. I thought that as long as I purchased the edited versions that I was dodging sin. I have been in denial and it took Ti Tonga to remind me that edited or not, the music I was listening to was not uplifting. Our speakers today did not send anybody on a guilt trip. They didn't focus on degrading music, but instead highlighted how the right kind of music can allow the Spirit to testify to us. They spoke on how music most often times can invite the Spirit to bear witness to us more so than any other avenue. I sat in the back thinking "yeah I guess they're right." Then all the sudden we did something that I've never seen happen in sacrament. The other ward members didn't seemed surprised at all. I guess they've all experienced this before, but this was the first time me and Ti Tonga have been included in something like this. It was sort of like a musical testimony meeting. The bishopric turned the time over to the congregation to share their favorite hymns followed by a verse that we would all sing of that particular selection. One by one ward members approached the pulpit with their green hymn books in hand, telling of special experiences they've had with these sacred hymns and how their testimonies have been strengthened as a result of them. Some of their stories were funny, but all of them wonderfully uplifting. One sister told of a time when she was in high school and her mother was undergoing surgery. They were not sure if she had cancer and it was a very scary time for them. The day the surgery was to take place, she attended her early morning seminary and the opening hymn they sang that day was "I Need Thee Every Hour" It gave her courage and hope and she still looks to that hymn today in times of need. Another brethren shared his favorite, "Israel, Israel, God is Calling", and immediately I thought of our Tongan ward back in Kearns. This is one of my favorite hymns to hear in Tongan. I started to get teary eyed as we sang the lyrics. The memory of our old ward members came to mind and it was comforting to know that no matter where I was, no matter what language was being spoken, the same Spirit was there. As the next sister got up and announced her favorite hymn and the piano started to play, I just lost it. Love at Home. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. We sing this song at every Fangupo family event. No matter where we gather, this song is always sung. We sing it in Tongan and even the family that are not members sing along too. I actually am lucky to have a tiny clip of us singing this song at Tea's birthday celebration. I know that when we sing praises and listen to enlightening music we give the Spirit the opportunity to touch our hearts. Of this I have a testimony.
After Mote's game we went straight to the airport to pick up Neo & Kauasi's family. They came with their costumes and a TON of goodies to pass out at our ward trunk-or-treat. The kids were so excited to be able to put their costumes on. Can I just say that Mafileo was the cutest little penguin, but boy is he naughty! Neo told me that he has a rep for acting up, but I didn't expect him to be that hyper and well... naughty! You're lucky you're cute Mafileo, or else I woulda shipped you back on the first flight back to Salt Lake ;)
The kids had so much fun and got plenty of treats to last the year. We NEVER end up finishing our Halloween candy. More than half of it will end up in the garbage can, but it's fun to rack em up anyway.
Here are our little trick-or-treaters:
Mafileo- Penguin
Ruby Mei- Teddy Bear
Mote- Buzz Lightyear
Nici- Boney Jack Sparrow
Siope- Edmund Penvensie from Narnia (I wasn't joking when I said he would be getting a hand-me-down! He's wearing Nici's old costume from last year.)

After Mote's game we went straight to the airport to pick up Neo & Kauasi's family. They came with their costumes and a TON of goodies to pass out at our ward trunk-or-treat. The kids were so excited to be able to put their costumes on. Can I just say that Mafileo was the cutest little penguin, but boy is he naughty! Neo told me that he has a rep for acting up, but I didn't expect him to be that hyper and well... naughty! You're lucky you're cute Mafileo, or else I woulda shipped you back on the first flight back to Salt Lake ;)
The kids had so much fun and got plenty of treats to last the year. We NEVER end up finishing our Halloween candy. More than half of it will end up in the garbage can, but it's fun to rack em up anyway.
Here are our little trick-or-treaters:
Mafileo- Penguin
Ruby Mei- Teddy Bear
Mote- Buzz Lightyear
Nici- Boney Jack Sparrow
Siope- Edmund Penvensie from Narnia (I wasn't joking when I said he would be getting a hand-me-down! He's wearing Nici's old costume from last year.)

He Shoots, He SCORES!
Mote's game was bright and early today. 8:00 am to be specific (remember that thing I said about NOT being a morning person?!--- still very TRUE!) I thought for sure that I'd be hauling the kids by myself today. And we were in charge of half-time snacks and after game treats as well. I was surprised to get a phone call from Ti Tonga at 5 am telling me to come pick him up. Work was canceled again. Hallelujah for help!
We played the same team that killed us at the beginning of the season. We did sooo much better this time though! The kids did an awesome job at defending and we actually SCORED! The player responsible for the goal??-- None other than our little man Timote! He was so excited! "Mom, we won! Did you see me win?!" Not quite a win, but pretty flippin rad anyway! Him passing out the after game treats only added to his heroic high.
Mote's game was bright and early today. 8:00 am to be specific (remember that thing I said about NOT being a morning person?!--- still very TRUE!) I thought for sure that I'd be hauling the kids by myself today. And we were in charge of half-time snacks and after game treats as well. I was surprised to get a phone call from Ti Tonga at 5 am telling me to come pick him up. Work was canceled again. Hallelujah for help!
We played the same team that killed us at the beginning of the season. We did sooo much better this time though! The kids did an awesome job at defending and we actually SCORED! The player responsible for the goal??-- None other than our little man Timote! He was so excited! "Mom, we won! Did you see me win?!" Not quite a win, but pretty flippin rad anyway! Him passing out the after game treats only added to his heroic high.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Costume Chaos
We have been super busy lately and haven't gotten around to buying the kids costumes yet. Last year I was smart and ordered them online. However; this year our ward trunk-or-treat is a week earlier than Halloween, so I didn't have enough time to get any costumes shipped. Ti worked a little later than expected and was exhausted once he got home. I had told the kids I'd take them today to get their costumes as soon as Mote got off of school. As it neared 3 o'clock I asked Ti if he wanted to come along. "I'm so tired. If you want to wait an hour or two so that I could take a nap, then I'll go with you." After thinking about it for 2 seconds I decided to just take Nic and Siope with me to pick up Mote and the four of us would go costume hunting together. "Are you sure you want to take all of them?" He kept telling me to just leave the two little ones at home and that they would be fine with whatever costumes I picked out for them. "No, it's okay. I'll just take them." ..... Big mistake! I will never go costume shopping unless there is another adult with me. It was madness as soon as we set foot in the store. None of them were paying attention to the costumes. They were more interested in what toys were in stock.
"Siope, do you want this one?"
"Nici, how about this?"
"No thanks."
Oh my gosh I wanted to pull my hair out! I did not just drive an hour to go home empty handed. Mote finally saw the light and made his costume choice first (but only after causing Mom a whole lotta frustration). I was forced to just make a choice for Nici, and Siope would not for the life of him accept any offers! I got so fed up that we left the store with only 2 costumes. I was so upset with Siope's behavior and lack of interest that I didn't even get him anything. I kind of felt guilty on the drive home, but then when we got in the house I asked him how come he didn't want to get a costume and his answer was "because." That's it?? Just because?! Oh my- you are getting a hand-me-down this year mister!
Never go costume shopping unless your spouse is there to assist you- there is not enough patience in one adult to last the shopping trip. Lesson learned.
"Siope, do you want this one?"
"Nici, how about this?"
"No thanks."
Oh my gosh I wanted to pull my hair out! I did not just drive an hour to go home empty handed. Mote finally saw the light and made his costume choice first (but only after causing Mom a whole lotta frustration). I was forced to just make a choice for Nici, and Siope would not for the life of him accept any offers! I got so fed up that we left the store with only 2 costumes. I was so upset with Siope's behavior and lack of interest that I didn't even get him anything. I kind of felt guilty on the drive home, but then when we got in the house I asked him how come he didn't want to get a costume and his answer was "because." That's it?? Just because?! Oh my- you are getting a hand-me-down this year mister!
Never go costume shopping unless your spouse is there to assist you- there is not enough patience in one adult to last the shopping trip. Lesson learned.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
2008 Primary Program
We had our annual primary program today in sacrament. I can't believe I have 2 little ones in primary (soon to be 3 in January.) I remember this time of year when I was once in primary. My mom would always get us all dressed up in new fancy dresses- I hated it! And yet I find myself doing the same thing with my kids. I was planning on going shopping for new dress shirts, but decided to just whip out their black suits that have been hanging in the closet. They've only worn them once (at Neo's wedding), so I thought that I'd better put them to use.
Once we were at church the nerves started to kick in... mostly worried that Nici wouldn't be able to be reverent long enough for the program to end. I was praying that he wouldn't have a case of the wiggles today so I kept asking him over and over if he could be reverent while he was up on stage, "Yup! I can Mom!" As they lined up the first set of kids at the mic, Ti Tonga leans over and says "Guess who's first?" Of course our little Nici would be the one to kick off the program. After a little mic check (he seriously got his hand out and tapped the mic twice to make sure it was working properly) he delivered his lines with ease... "I am Nic and I am a soccer player." They had each of the kids play a part in writing their own talks this year and that was what Nici came up with. Each of the sunbeams talked about different roles that they played... we had soccer players, football players, singers, and dancers... but they reminded us that they were all Children of God. It was so sweet. When it was Mote's turn he stood up there and completely froze. One of the primary leaders tried helping him, but he kept nodding his head NO. So she got up to the mic and said his lines for him... "I like to visit my grandma and grandpa with my family." He just stood there nodding his little head No, while the congregation chuckled. Me and Ti Tonga laughed- we were the only ones that knew that he was nodding his head No because the primary leader was telling him the wrong lines. It's okay Mote, you still did an awesome job. I was surprised to see Nici singing along with the rest of the kids... and he did exactly what he said he was going to do. He was completely reverent the whole time- Hallelujah!
Once we were at church the nerves started to kick in... mostly worried that Nici wouldn't be able to be reverent long enough for the program to end. I was praying that he wouldn't have a case of the wiggles today so I kept asking him over and over if he could be reverent while he was up on stage, "Yup! I can Mom!" As they lined up the first set of kids at the mic, Ti Tonga leans over and says "Guess who's first?" Of course our little Nici would be the one to kick off the program. After a little mic check (he seriously got his hand out and tapped the mic twice to make sure it was working properly) he delivered his lines with ease... "I am Nic and I am a soccer player." They had each of the kids play a part in writing their own talks this year and that was what Nici came up with. Each of the sunbeams talked about different roles that they played... we had soccer players, football players, singers, and dancers... but they reminded us that they were all Children of God. It was so sweet. When it was Mote's turn he stood up there and completely froze. One of the primary leaders tried helping him, but he kept nodding his head NO. So she got up to the mic and said his lines for him... "I like to visit my grandma and grandpa with my family." He just stood there nodding his little head No, while the congregation chuckled. Me and Ti Tonga laughed- we were the only ones that knew that he was nodding his head No because the primary leader was telling him the wrong lines. It's okay Mote, you still did an awesome job. I was surprised to see Nici singing along with the rest of the kids... and he did exactly what he said he was going to do. He was completely reverent the whole time- Hallelujah!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I'm not sure when the top of our fridge became a hat rack, but as of today I could tolerate it no more. So I hopped on top of a chair and started throwing off the collection of hats- most of which were baseball caps... hmmm, I sense that an adult male is responsible for the stashing! All of the sudden I hear a bunch of hollering mixed in with some Yee-Haws.
"Siope! That's for GIRLS!"
Awwww... Who cares... Yee-Haw!
Awwww... Who cares... Yee-Haw!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Weekend Wrap-Up
When we originally put Mote into soccer and found out that his games would be every Saturday morning Ti was kind of bummed. We thought that if we were lucky enough- Mote would be able to have his Dad at atleast one of his games. After watching Mote for the first time last weekend it seems as though Ti's set on making it to as many games as he can. This Saturday they got sent home from work because it was too windy so we made it with Ti Tonga to another soccer game yay!
I woke up extra early because pictures were scheduled for the day and Mote was missing one of his black socks grrr. After a little bit of a hunt the black sock was located, hair was gelled, and uniform was on with jersey tucked in. I can only imagine how cold it must've been in Utah because it was freeeeeezing in Vegas! We tried our best to stay warm under our hoodies and Ti made the boys run around with the soccer ball to keep them from turning into icicles. By the time it was our turn to take pictures- the sweatshirts were removed and all the attempts to achieve a hairdo worthy of the camera went out the window. I hope you enjoy hoodie hair Grandma and Grandpa, because that is what Mote will be modeling this year.
I'm not sure if Mote's team will be able to pull out a win this year which is completely fine with me. He is having the time of his life playing soccer with his friends. I do however think that he has a shot at making a goal this season. He gets better and better with each game. And there's something about a Father watching his sons play sports. I'm not sure which is more rewarding- watching Mote play soccer or watching Ti Tonga watch Mote play soccer. I'm so glad he's able to share this experience with us.
We had a limited amount of team mates this weekend due to that darn flu. So, the team didn't have half-time or after game snacks. Mote was so bummed <--sheesh! But Teti was there to save the day. We made a trip to 7 Eleven where they loaded up on goodies. It's funny to see Ti Tonga spoil them cause he is the biggest "anti-spoiler"... I guess sports is an exception in his book =)
Later that night we met up with David (Brokes) & Talia Maumau for dinner. They were in town celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary. Congrats Maumau's! Your little family is so sweet and it was great seeing you.
p.s. I thought there was an "easy" way to do this collage stuff on Picasa, but there's not. (If there is, I sure wasn't able to figure it out). I took way too long trying to crop and arrange each photo and it looks like crap anyway lol. I don't know how the rest of you do it, but this is my first and last post attempting this. I will stick to my "one picture-at-a-time" style.
I woke up extra early because pictures were scheduled for the day and Mote was missing one of his black socks grrr. After a little bit of a hunt the black sock was located, hair was gelled, and uniform was on with jersey tucked in. I can only imagine how cold it must've been in Utah because it was freeeeeezing in Vegas! We tried our best to stay warm under our hoodies and Ti made the boys run around with the soccer ball to keep them from turning into icicles. By the time it was our turn to take pictures- the sweatshirts were removed and all the attempts to achieve a hairdo worthy of the camera went out the window. I hope you enjoy hoodie hair Grandma and Grandpa, because that is what Mote will be modeling this year.

Later that night we met up with David (Brokes) & Talia Maumau for dinner. They were in town celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary. Congrats Maumau's! Your little family is so sweet and it was great seeing you.

p.s. I thought there was an "easy" way to do this collage stuff on Picasa, but there's not. (If there is, I sure wasn't able to figure it out). I took way too long trying to crop and arrange each photo and it looks like crap anyway lol. I don't know how the rest of you do it, but this is my first and last post attempting this. I will stick to my "one picture-at-a-time" style.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
"Cool" Saturday
We finally had a break in the weather yesterday yay! Ti Tonga got off early from work allowing the whole family the chance to go to Mote's soccer game. It was cloudy and cool, so this time we didn't have to seek refuge under the shade of a puny tree like last week. We lost again. I think the score was like 7-0? The other team probably thought they gave us a whoopin- if they only knew that this was major improvement for our team =) Mote did awesome! He is understanding the game more and more and it was evident that he did his best. Ti Tonga was undeniably proud of his little "Goose". So proud that he gave Mote the option of choosing anywhere to eat for lunch.
Surprise surprise. We ended with a trip to the Golden Arches and headed home with a car full of 3 happy boys.
-"Where do you want to eat Mote? You can go anywhere you want. Anywhere!"
-"I want a Happy Meal."
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