Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Another Summer Day

I needed to go grocery shopping today and I almost took the kids with me, but after having flashbacks of the lovely behavior they display while in the supermarket I decided to keep them home and go a different route. I found out what time Ti Tonga would be home from work and decided to take the kids to the pool. Hopefully this would wear them out so they could take a nap while I went to Walmart in peace and quiet. That was my strategy and by golly it worked!haha We went to the pool and I let the kids do their thing while I sat out under the shade. Sometimes I forget how hot it is outside because we're indoors most of the time under the AC. Oh my word was it hot out- even under the shade! I was kind of regretting not hopping in the pool, but I knew if I did I would be too lazy to go shopping after. The timing today couldn't have been more perfect. When the kids got out and we got back home Ti Tonga was just getting in from work. I got the kids dressed and didn't even have to tell them to take a nap. By the time I had my shopping list done Siope and Nic had fallen asleep in the bedroom downstairs and Mote was completely knocked out upstairs. Usually there are some temper tantrums thrown when the kids find out I'm leaving BY MYSELF, but none of that today- Hallelujah! I would be lying if I said the shopping trip was a breeze. I hate going grocery shopping! And I never realized that until I moved to Vegas. I feel like the layout here is so much different from Salt Lake? Maybe I'm trippin, but it seriously seems that way! It takes me so long to get everything because I'm running around searching for things that seem out of place. And you'd think that after being here over a year that I would get the hang of things. Unfortunately that's not the case. Anyway, I passed by the book aisle and they had Stephenie Meyer's books on display- it was so weird to see New Moon on paperback! Very exciting though because that means we're getting closer to the release of Breaking Dawn! Yay!!!! I cannot wait! Ti's birthday is this Friday and Breaking Dawn gets released on Saturday Hooray! I hope I'm not too distracted by the release of the book that I don't show enough attention to Ti Tonga on his birthday (wish me luck!) haha

Here's some pics I took at the pool. My camera battery is officially dead, so these are from my phone.


RINA :) said...

LMBO! I HATE grocery shopping, always have. Mani's always been the one to go grocery shopping. I'm just not good at it, especially if I'm on a tight budget )= lol

BTW, good one with you sneaky plan to get the boys all drained of their energy to take a nap! I MISS having a swimming pool so close!

Do you go to the Wal-Mart on Fort Apache and Tropicana? I loved that Wal-Mart! But I wish all stores were like Macey's, where it don't matter WHICH Macey's you're at...everything is set up the same.


Kiki Fangupo said...

I used to go to the Walmart on Fort Apache, but they actually built a new one that's closer! It's off of Rainbow and Frontage Rd- it's HUGE and much more convenient to get to!