Sunday, August 3, 2008

Developing Prayers

We just got done saying our bedtime prayers and I thought I'd blog real quick about the experience before heading off to read. We've developed a "standard prayer" that the kids say each night just to get them in the habit of saying their prayers in the correct order. I'm not sure how long I expected them to say this memorized version before they would feel comfortable speaking from their own personal hearts, but tonight they did just that. Mote took his turn first (like always) and started off with the usual lines, but quickly started to add his own "requests" for blessings. It was kind of cute because he ran in all the blessings like he was afraid he was going to run out of time "bless me to go to school and eat lunch and Siope to go to his own class and not Mommy's and Nic to be nice and not mean". I tried not to giggle. I was amused at his choice of words, yet overjoyed at his display of independence and growth. Nic stuck with the standard version (I think he was anxious to go to bed.) And Siope tried to add in his own thoughts. I could hear him mumbling and caught "bless Teti to go to work", followed by more mumbling then Nic decided to interfere and said "Hurry up and say Amen!" So Siope ended there =) Yeah Nic was definitely ready for bed.



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